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Editorial Policy

A: Description


Though the journal has been compiled with great care, the journal disclaims any duty to investigate any information, procedure, design and the like which may have been described in the Journal. The appearance of any information in this Journal does not guarantee the publication is free from errors and the opinion and statements expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the journal.

A1: Open Access

The Malaysian Orthopaedic journal is an Open Access journal published under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License ( Readers are free to read, print, share and adapt the published material in any medium and for any purpose as long as appropriate attributions are made to the contributors. Authors retain the copy-right of the published material.  

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A2: Article Processing Charge (APC)

Starting from 1st May 2020, MOJ will charge a processing fee of USD 60.00 for all submissions for publication. This is a non-refundable fee to cover the administrative cost for evaluation and editing the submitted material. Once the APC has been successfully processed, the journal will assign a tracking number and initiate the evaluation of the submission. Payment of APC does not guarantee acceptance of the article.

A3: Authorship

MOJ adheres to the guidelines on authorship outlined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. Authors should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content of the article published. Artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies (ChatGPT or other types of chatbox) cannot be listed as authors or co-authors. Authors should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content of the article published, and this will include all form of output generated by AI-assisted technologies.

[ICMJE : Recommendations (Updated May 2023)]

In addition, deletion or re-arrangement of author names must be made by the corresponding author, with a letter that indicates the reason for requesting such a change, and a list showing the contributions by each of the co-authors. The letter must be signed by all co-authors, and we will need a confirmation letter from the author to be added or deleted. The request can only be made before the article is accepted for publication.

A4: Disclosure of financial and non-financial relationships

Outcome of a scientific or clinical study may be influenced by financial or non-financial relationships or activities between the author and various stakeholders. Conflict of interest may adversely affect the scientific integrity, erode public trust in medical research, and eventually bring harm to the public. Reviewers and editors should also recuse themselves from editorial decisions of a paper if there is potential conflict of interest.

[ICMJE: Author Responsibilities — Conflicts of Interest]

Each co-author must complete a disclosure form and submit it as an attachment with all other documents. This form can be downloaded onto your computer. You can open the form and fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

[Disclosure Form: Dislosue of Interest Form]

A5: Peer review

MOJ conducts double blind peer review process to evaluate case reports and original articles. Identities of the authors will be concealed from the peer reviewers, and vice versa. If AI-assisted technologies are used to generate any feedback during the reviewing process, it should also be disclosed in the report.

If one or more co-authors of these original papers is a member of our editorial board, the manuscript editor handling the paper must not be from the same institution. There should be at least two peer reviewers who are not from the same institution and not affiliated with the same study/research group.

A6: Language

For many authors of MOJ, English may not be their first language of communication. We would like to encourage our authors to seek the help of those who are fluent in English to ensure accurate reporting of scientific information and clear discussion on relevant subjects.

Our editorial office is not able to provide language editing service for the papers. We may request our author to improve the language of the paper even if it has been accepted following format and scientific editing (at the stage of copy editing). Generally, we will not reject a paper purely on the grounds of poor language. We may advise the author to engage professional language editing service for this purpose.

A7: Archiving policy

Authors are allowed to deposit their paper in an institution or subject depository once they are published on the official journal homepage (including as ahead of prints). The is no embargo period.

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About Us

The Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that is published three times a year in both print and electronic online version. The purpose of this journal is to publish original research studies, evaluation of current practices and case reports in various subspecialties of orthopaedics and traumatology, as well as associated fields like basic science, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation medicine and nursing.

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